Monday, 24 March 2014

EVALUATION QUESTION 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

Above I have used Flickr, please click on the images to see how I attracted/addressed my audience.

Saturday, 22 March 2014

EVALUATION QUESTION 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

IPC also publish over 60 brands, these include NME, mbr, Now, Nuts and all the ones shown in the image below however doesn't distribute any R&B music magazine's. IPC is also a well known brand so this will put faith into my magazine, Bass Control should be distributed by IPC because it will give the magazine a far better status, probably an international status. All my artist's are mainstream so they can't really be on a magazine which is distributed by an indie publisher, this will also bring down reputation.

My magazine is priced at RRP £3.95 and as it is a monthly issue you can buy a subscription for £3 per month this will save you 95p per month. That means it will save you £11.40 a year. Also because IPC are a very popular distributor they will have links with franchises such as WH SMITH, BP Petrol Station, Esso, Texaco, Sainsbury's, Tesco, Asda and Morrisons enabling my product to be sold by pretty much every major magazine selling company within the UK, which will increase both supply and demand for my product.

Friday, 21 March 2014

EVALUATION QUESTION 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Evaluation Question 2

Please take your time to pause this video in order to read in detail what is presented as it does go through each shot/scene fairly quickly.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

DPS Feedback

Feedback on my double page spread.

Usama Nadeem:Well done bro, your magazine double page spread looks very good, I like how you challenged certain conventions such as two images on your DPS and followed conventions by having the main image of your artist on the left hand side of your double page spread.

Marwa Salama:Is this what you have created Maneet? I can't believe it at all, no way can I believe it! It's really, really good. I just like how your magazine double page spread is laid out and it is very professional and before I had a problem with the size of your artist on the left as he was too small, but you have rectified it and now it's just really good!

Dawn Gallant:Bass Control, this is the name of your magazine. I like how you linked the logo for your magazine 'Bass C' on the double page spread. Before your space on the bottom right was empty, by putting in another image of your artist , using the angle of gaze I feel as if he is engaging with the audience, I really like it now.

Sana Khurshid:WOW, this is truly wicked, wow Maneet. I like it so, so, so much. I like your interview, it is very interesting, it isn't too long and snappy. It is written in a gripping way, so it's like you have to read it and with the colours to complement it, it isn't just amazing to look at it's wonderful to read as well. I also like your pull quotes, it is very engaging with me, I sat here on your double page spread for 15minutes, it literally is that good.

Monday, 17 March 2014

DPS and how it links to both my cover and contents page

How does my DPS link to both my cover and contents page?

First of all there is a clear link to the contents page because it is in correlation with the page number set.

The colour scheme for all 3 products abide the rule of four and all follow the same colour scheme of red, blue, black and white.

My artist's name 'Deep Meaning' are on all three products. This is to show that my artist is the centre of attention.

The magazine logo is on every single page, this is to show a link between my cover page, contents and DPS.

All 3 products are part of the same music genre (R&B) and look like they are all from the same magazine.

They all follow conventions, for example font styles and colour schemes.
Also the challenge of conventions on each page is here, for example the layout.

The background is white for the DPS, cover page and contents.

Throughout the magazine the name for each artist is in blue this is to follow the conventions for a fluent magazine.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

DPS Layout

Double Page Spread Final Flat Plan

This is a computerised version of my final double page spread flat plan, this allowed me to follow it step by step in order to achieve the layout I wanted.

I tried to follow the layout for this double page spread as much as possible with the artist and the pull quote on the left hand side of the DPS. Also on the right hand side of the DPS at the top mine also has my artist's name and then underneath is the interview just like the magazine above.

The image above is on the left hand side of my DPS. I did this to challenge conventions of using the angle of gaze. My artist is abiding by my red, blue, black and white colour scheme. 

As you can see above jay sean and my artist are posing in similar fashion, this means that they are both looking down in an angle this is too ensure that its an R&B pose, although it may sound silly but I felt in order for my artist to become an R&B artist he must pose and have the same 'swag' one would have.

My artist's name is on the top right in blue, this is to follow all the conventions throughout my magazine, this is due to the fact that every artist's name is in blue. On the bottom right there is another pull quote beneath the end of the interview and an image of my artist with the angle of gaze. Why did I do this? I did this because I want my artist to be seen by the reader in two angles. The one on the bottom right is using the angle of gaze this is to engage with the reader.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Artist Interview

Above is The interview between Bass Control magazine and Deep Meaning, this interview will feature on the double page spread on the right hand side of the main image for my article... Deep Meaning is my main artist and he is to feature on my DPS with two images.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Research: Interview writing

Example of an interview with an R&B artist.

This interview is conducted by an English programme such as GMTV this is on the channel of ITV, this is regarding a British found artist 'Jay Sean'. This is an informal interview as it's a casual chat with a few questions and answers thrown in.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

DPS Image Decisions

In order to create this I had to use , in the video above I discuss how I chose my DPS images.

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Feedback Form results and analysis

Above are the results from the feedback form I had created on ZOHO, According to the results everyone believes that my contents page looks both professional and fits the genre of R&B.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

My completed contents page

This is my Bass Control music magazine contents page, this is completed and follows my four colour, colour scheme. This scheme consists of red, blue, white and black.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Bass Control Contents Screenshots.

Above you can see how I produced the screenshots for my magazine contents page, with use of photo shop I created a contents page that I am convinced as the creator that it looks really professional.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Analysing a contents page not of my genre.

First of all this is the magazine which I have purchased. This is a music magazine for the artistic Genre of rock, in fact it's one of the most leading rock magazines in the UK.
There are a list of key features this magazine cover shows to us and I would like to share that same list with you , with my list I shall give a mini explanation if possible.

This magazine cover uses:
-Masthead, the masthead is very well used in order to show to the audience what the magazine is called.
-The angle of gaze, this is when the people on the front page are staring at you(the reader), this may influence people into picking up the magazine as it symbolizes that the magazine is made specifically for you.
-Barcode, this shows that its a consumers magazine.
-Midshot, to show most of the models and what they are what type of singers they are.
-Pull quote, to grip the reader.
-Feature, to promote.

So Now this brings us to the contents section of our magazine which is heavily dependent on its structure to influence the readers to read more, the contents page are divided into sections, those sections are : News, Feedback, Features, Shots, Lives, Albums, Gig Guide and The All New Rockstar Test!

Also on the top right hand side of the page the word 'Contents' is there and this is appropriate as now the readers know in where to look for their desired page(s) that they would like to read, an added contents page is essential for pretty much any magazine nowadays because frankly it saves so much time for the readers to skim read and its also good for the company.
The contents page as I said is good for the publishing company because it highlights key pages inside the magazine and this draws in the attention of many readers looking for specific articles.

To the left of the contents page there is a wonderful message by the editor describing the magazine in a few short words and this is very critical as he is explaining what he wants to achieve in the magazine and what he has done so far also what is in this current issue.

Also the use of images in this contents page are phenomenal as all the images in this show a little something about what this music magazine is and what exactly it stands for.

Contents Deconstruction of VIBE

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Contents Page Image Ideas

Well I have been going through all the pictures I have taken in the past and stumbled across the photos I took at the O2 wireless festival last year with my friend Cherise Currie, I had taken pictures of Trey Songz, Miguel and Snoop Dogg. Now Miguel and Trey Songz both are R&B artists and fit the genre of my magazine.
In the image above is a medium long shot of R&B artist Miguel, however in this image there is a huge camera man in the way.

Above is Snoop Dogg, he does not fit the genre of my magazine so I cannot use him on my contents page.
Now here we have Trey Songz who fits my genre of R&B and is very well known, This image is medium long shot, where you can see the artist with a lot of clarity. This image will be best for my contents page as it meets bass control's colour scheme and also the way how the artist fit's in with the genre and he can be used as a feature because he is such an iconic artist.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

How I created the Bass Control magazine cover

Above is how I created my Magazine Cover, it includes what shot I chose, cover layout, photograph manipulation, fonts and decisions, magazine deconstruction, front cover linked to research and front cover target audience.
I created this file as a powerpoint and had to upload it as a movie in order to get this on my blog, now all I have to do is gather even more feedback.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Cover Page Gaussian Blur

This is how I applied the blur to the cover page I did it to increase readability as stated above.

Friday, 14 February 2014

R&B Genre Cover Breakdown

Above I have broken down and analysed a R&B magazine cover in order to see how this will help me produce a cover, using this as inspiration, plus criticality is good for me, the more critically I analyse this in depth the more I can look into my own magazine cover in depth and understand.

Monday, 10 February 2014

Test Shots

These are the test shots that I have taken in search for my magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread which I believe met the conventions of the R&B genre. Above are my artist's which will be on the front cover, contents and double page spread of my magazine. This test shot includes mid shots and medium close ups for me to determine which looks best on my magazine. These test shots also include the actual shots that I will be using for my final product.

Shot, Prop and Location List.

Above you can see the list of shots that I will be taking on my magazine and also how all the props and locations will interact on how I will take photographs for my magazine and at what quality.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Bass control test fonts

Above you can see the top four fonts I have tested as possible options as my bass control cover page masthead.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Draft Flat Plan with Feedback

Cover Page

Contents Page

Double Page Spread


Marwa Sayed: I like the clear layout on the cover and the colours used which are black, white, blue and red. I also like how the colour of the masthead matches the shirt of the artist.
Although you specified the colours you will use, it would be better if you actually used them in the flatplan so it could give me a more vivid image of your contents page. The editor's image on the contents page is scintillating and unique as this is the first time I have seen this used in a students magazine.
I also like the layout of your double page spread especially the text on the right and the fact file next to the close up on the left, this intrigues the audience of the magazine to read more. Overall, well done on layout and use of images. Even better if you used the colours on your flatplans and fonts to make it more clear.

Paula Graham: I like the layout of your magazine, I have a clear indication of your wonderful colour scheme. You have made it clear where everything has to be. You also have annotated whatever you have put on your flat plans however I believe your masthead is too small and needs to be centralised in extreme fashion. Your contents page looks fairly detailed with a lot of numbers this is also looks informative. Your double page spread has a lot of images I believe if you can merge them all in to one or two images your magazine will be a huge success. I also like the locations of where your text is being placed on these three pages of your magazine.

Dawn Gallant: I believe that the top section of your cover page is slightly blank this can be resolved. The masthead is slightly small, I believe that the magazine name and colour scheme fits in with the genre of R&B. You have the angle of gaze and a midshot present which is good. There is too much writing and looks very cluttered, the colours to be used are good on your contents page however this was only described on the top of the page and not actually shown. I think that the titles are quite nice. The placement of text on your double page spread is quite brilliant yet I think you can improve on the amount of images there are on your double page spread, from 5 lovely images try and cut it down to about 2-3.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Visual Moodboard for R&B

R&B Visual Magazine Moodboard

Above I have created a visual moodboard with use of animoto, this is a site on web2.0 which allows me to create a short video showing a brief one word summery for each magazine cover in this genre. The words which was used in this clip shows the what I believe the genre of R&B is about in a few short words.

Example of music from the R&B genre.

Friday, 31 January 2014

R&B artist's comparison

Above there is a comparison between two diverse R&B artist's , this will help me for my magazine because when I base my artist profile I can use the comparison's above to my advantage and this is essential for me to take a look into as it improves my understanding.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Indie R&B record label moodboard.

Above I have created a moodboard on an indie R&B record label, called 2point9. This is a British based label. By doing this it gives me an insight into the R&B industry, this is currently helping me with research.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

R&B Moodboard

Now above is the moodboard that I have created using the web 2.0 programme Glogster. I have utilised this website in order to create my moodboard. The feature's it has are simply phenomenal one example of this is how youtube video's will also play on the moodboard. I thought it really will help me because what I am creating is based upon music so audios and visuals in my opinion are essential!

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Reader Profile

Yo, my name is John Dee, I'm currently an AS level student undertaking Mathematics, Economics and English literature. Originated from London, currently living on the outskirts in Surrey. My date of birth is 30th March 1995, that would make me about 18 years old and my age is something which is usually a subject to change. Putting my sense of humour to one side I am fairly passionate about R&B, it’s like a whole new chapter to my life with singers such as T-Pain, Jay Sean and Ne-Yo. I cannot explain my compassion for their music but let me just say that I don’t believe I can function in everyday life without listening to ‘beautiful monster’ by Ne-Yo. My hobbies are sports, I love sports, this makes my mind sharp and active and also my body feels much healthier after a good gym session or football match. I have also realised that now I cannot leave my house without a pair of my handy ear phones, they transmit music to my ears from my MP3 player which I cannot live without, call me crazy  but I've adopted this very bad habit in such a way that it’s now considered to be good luck for me. Oh how silly of me I haven’t mentioned my gender, well in that case if you must know I'm a male and as you can see I am quite the lively character with my music I am very ecstatic. I also have quite a few friends, Mr.Popular if you ask me; yes that is precisely what I am!

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Analysing responses from the survey I conducted #5

Now this question above is the only question on my survey which required an explanation so that I can find out what people most look forward to when reading a music magazine. This is essential for me to take everyones views into consideration so that my music magazine is extremely successful. Now below you can see some of the 24 responses to the question that appears above.

The responses shown are above should be shown in my own music magazine so I can meet my target audiences demand. This is essential because more people in my target audience will purchase my music magazine and this question also helps me see if there are any gaps in the market for content in music magazines.

Analysing responses from the survey I conducted #4

This is the final multiple choice question I had asked in my survey mainly because I wanted to do a more generalised music magazine survey, this for me is essential so I can find out preferred magazines , most iconic features, appealing covers and also how ofter music magazines are read. This question I have asked so that I can find out how often a person would read a magazine, now according to the results most people don't often read magazines so this data is essential to me because by making my music magazine stand out I can grip my target audience into reading my music magazine.

Analysing responses from the survey I conducted #3

Now this question I asked so that I can find out the participants preferred magazine, this can help my magazine because by doing something similar and expanding to the preferred magazines on my magazine then I will have more people wanting to buy my magazine.

Analysing responses from the survey I conducted #2

Now the question above I had asked so that I know how much of my target audience purchases a music magazine, it's nearly 50/50. This is so that I can find out if the participants of the survey have ever witnessed what they deem to be an attractive music magazine, so now I know for my magazine cover it will have to be attractive or no-one will purchase it.

Analysing responses from the survey I conducted #1

First of all I had asked the question above to see what part of the magazine cover is more attractive so that I can possibly use this data into my own front cover. According to majority of the people the masthead is most attractive then colours, now knowing this I shall make my masthead stand out and use a colour which is quite appealing

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Focus Group Analysis

From the focus group, we got together in order to discuss current music magazines, at this stage it is unclear what genre I want to create my music magazine to be so I have asked questions regarding the genre of R&B. In this focus group i had used statistics in order to agree with the people I am conducting this focus group with if they understand why blue and red are the most iconic colours for a R&B magazine. Yes, they did agree with the research I had conducted before. I also found out that all magazines created must be a consumer magazine.

What is a consumer's magazine?
Well it is a magazine that can be sold to the public, why is it sold to the public. It is sold so that Vibe for example can gain money to be a profitable organisation.

We also discussed conventions....
Current conventions..
Colour schemes

Then we compared all the big magazines, Kerrang, Vibe and XL.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Focus Group

This is the focus group I have conducted about magazine covers I had included results from the Poll I had conducted earlier this week.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Online Questionnaire

I have created the survey above with use of survey monkey on web 2.0 although I have done this online I can also print out some copies and distribute to people with difficulties in finding my survey.

Research Rationalle

The type of target group that I will have access to are mostly teenagers between the ages of 16-19 and to be honest that’s the ideal age range for me. Teenagers also will give me more critical feedback regarding the genre of R&B even though this might not be the genre I decide to choose for my music magazine based upon my research. Then I can ask them in a focus group that I am deciding to create, what type of artist they would like to see on the cover for this different genre’s. I will be conducting research in order to receive both qualitative and quantitative data so that I know what to do next, what’s preferred and even how to do it. By conducting research to find quantitative data I will have to create surveys, questionnaires and polls. My research will mainly be conducted online using web 2.0 as you can gather more data quicker and more efficiently, one more reason for the use of web 2.0 is so that Paper can be saved in order to help protect the environment. First of all I will create a poll in order to see what colour they believe is most iconic on the front cover of a music magazine out of the following; red, green, blue, purple, pink, brown, orange and yellow. I will be doing this so that I can find out what colour alongside black and white should be used in my magazine, I will also show the three most chosen iconic colours on a music magazine covers (different) and present it to my focus group and see their reaction. In order to conduct my research I believe I may need the following equipment; camera, computer, Internet, Google account for putting my focus group on to YouTube and also a survey monkey account in order to create questionnaires. I will create a questionnaire online on survey monkey, more people will then be able to access this and it also prevents my results from being lost.