Friday, 7 February 2014

Draft Flat Plan with Feedback

Cover Page

Contents Page

Double Page Spread


Marwa Sayed: I like the clear layout on the cover and the colours used which are black, white, blue and red. I also like how the colour of the masthead matches the shirt of the artist.
Although you specified the colours you will use, it would be better if you actually used them in the flatplan so it could give me a more vivid image of your contents page. The editor's image on the contents page is scintillating and unique as this is the first time I have seen this used in a students magazine.
I also like the layout of your double page spread especially the text on the right and the fact file next to the close up on the left, this intrigues the audience of the magazine to read more. Overall, well done on layout and use of images. Even better if you used the colours on your flatplans and fonts to make it more clear.

Paula Graham: I like the layout of your magazine, I have a clear indication of your wonderful colour scheme. You have made it clear where everything has to be. You also have annotated whatever you have put on your flat plans however I believe your masthead is too small and needs to be centralised in extreme fashion. Your contents page looks fairly detailed with a lot of numbers this is also looks informative. Your double page spread has a lot of images I believe if you can merge them all in to one or two images your magazine will be a huge success. I also like the locations of where your text is being placed on these three pages of your magazine.

Dawn Gallant: I believe that the top section of your cover page is slightly blank this can be resolved. The masthead is slightly small, I believe that the magazine name and colour scheme fits in with the genre of R&B. You have the angle of gaze and a midshot present which is good. There is too much writing and looks very cluttered, the colours to be used are good on your contents page however this was only described on the top of the page and not actually shown. I think that the titles are quite nice. The placement of text on your double page spread is quite brilliant yet I think you can improve on the amount of images there are on your double page spread, from 5 lovely images try and cut it down to about 2-3.

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