Monday, 13 January 2014

Bass Control Brief

Bass Control is the name of the blog I am creating, this is to ensure that I can publish anything relating to the magazine I have to create in order to show the world what I can possibly create, This blog will consist of a music magazine cover, a double page spread for that same music magazine and then a contents page for that same magazine all of these will consist with complete evidence and analysis in order to show how I achieved my goals and also how I created this masterpiece with extreme depth.

So far this academic year I have created a magazine so I do have a fair understanding on how programmes such as photoshop works, also I have conducted some market research however it is for another task, the experience I have achieved from that task will almost certainly help me do that much better for the real thing.

I hope to create an outstanding piece of work for the genre R&B yet at the moment I am not completely sure on what genre my magazine is going to be on. I want to show the examiner all the skills I have learnt till date and put it in with my own blood, sweat and tears so that my hard work will pay off at the end of the day.

I will try and conduct research to the best of my abilities with the use of many formats such as videos, surveys etc.

I am thinking to create this piece of work as a consumer magazine, it should in my mind have the following on the cover; Masthead, teasers, cover lines, cut-out, Angle-of –gaze, graphic, pull quote and a caption. The more I use of the above the better my magazine will hopefully look. However I must at all costs make sure that the front cover of my magazine is not at all over crowded.

1 comment:

  1. Please read through this and check for SPAG accuracy issues.
